Carton Live Shelving for Clothing Manufacturer

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Space: Warehousing, Sector: E-tail,

Thistle Systems has enabled one of the UK’s leading clothing manufacturers to transform the efficiency of their e-commerce distribution facility with a new carton live storage solution.

Thistle Systems


Pick faces created

Thistle Systems


Cartons able to be stored

Thistle Systems


Additional pick faces created for slow and medium moving items

Carton Live Storage Solution

The company had been using standard shelving to store all items in their warehouse but were experiencing issues with the speed of picking, particularly at peak periods, such as seasonal sales.

After discussing the challenges being faced and the key objectives for the project, Thistle proposed changing their approach to split the picking and packing areas and using a combination of carton live shelving and pigeon hole shelving.

Thistle Systems’ Sales Director, Alan Scott, explained “One of the key requirements of a successful Carton Live Shelving System is knowing your numbers, so it was essential that the company were able to break down their stock into slow, medium and fast-moving items.”

He continued, “This enables us to design a solution which provides the right amount of stock in the most effective location to maximise both utilisation of space and efficiency of the picking process.”
Click here to read the full case study

To find out more about our Carton Live solution, click here or phone us on 01236 453888.

What we did

  • Carton Live and pigeon hole shelving installedCarton Live and pigeon hole shelving installed
  • Carton Live storage provided 342 pick faces and 912 cartons using combination of two carton sizesCarton Live storage provided 342 pick faces and 912 cartons using combination of two carton sizes
  • 2100 additional pick faces created for slow and medium moving items using pigeon holes2100 additional pick faces created for slow and medium moving items using pigeon holes
  • Trolleys introduced to enable operators to move quickly between areasTrolleys introduced to enable operators to move quickly between areas

Solutions Used

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