Push Back Pallet Racking Provides Additional 21% Capacity

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Thistle Systems has enabled one of the UK’s leading food manufacturers to maximise capacity in their new facility whilst dramatically reducing the cost by relocating an existing push back system and extending the system with new racking.

Thistle Systems


additional capacity created

Thistle Systems


Pallet positions created

Thistle Systems


Pallets Deep

To maximise capacity in given floor space

Push Back Pallet Racking

The company was moving to larger premises and asked Thistle Systems to apply their Max the Cube approach to maximise capacity in the new warehouse space.

Thistle used the existing 4-deep push back pallet racking solution which provided 144 pallet positions and extended the solution with an extra 3 lanes to provide a total of 180 pallets. To maximise the remaining floor space, Thistle used a combination of its Maxi Cube Advanced Engineered Pallet Racking and double deep push back racking to deliver an additional 112 pallet positions – an additional 21.5% capacity over standard pallet racking in the same floor space.”

Thistle also incorporated heavy duty upright protectors to minimise the likelihood of damage to the system.

What we did

  • 21% increase in capacity21% increase in capacity
  • Double deep push back racking installedDouble deep push back racking installed
  • Relocation and extension of existing push back rackingRelocation and extension of existing push back racking
  • Specialist food & drink specification racking systemSpecialist food & drink specification racking system
  • High tensile steel upright protectors and end barriersHigh tensile steel upright protectors and end barriers

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