Dynamic Racking Quadruples Storage Capacity

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Faced with a problem of insufficient storage capacity for packaging materials to service the new bottling line, the client's production management team turned to storage solutions specialist, Thistle Systems, who developed a solution that quadrupled the initial capacity using Dynamic Storage Solutions.

Thistle Systems


Pallet positions created

Thistle Systems


Picking Faces

Thistle Systems


Pallets Deep

Dynamic Racking

A major drinks manufacturer had installed a new bottling line to facilitate the packaging of a number of product ranges however the layout of the facility had meant that end of the line was next to an overhead conveyer system.

This prevented the installation of a traditional multi-tier racking facility and the height of the conveyer system prevented forklifts from accessing the full area. The fragile nature of the packaging products also meant that pallets could not be stacked on top of each other which greatly restricted the available capacity.

With the constraints created by the environment, the production team had thought they would have been restricted to using 8 pallets on the floor which would have caused severe operational problems with regards to storage capacity and access for re-stocking.

Roller system from dynamic racking system Thistle’s design team worked with the client’s production team and developed a dynamic storage solutions using high density pallet live racking which offered the capacity to store no fewer than 32 pallets.

Pallet Live

What we did

  • Installed high density push back racking which had the capacity to store 32 pallets.Installed high density push back racking which had the capacity to store 32 pallets.

Solutions Used

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