Mezzanine Floor Office Facilitates Company Growth

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Mezzanine Floor Office Facilitates Company Growth

Thistle Systems has recently enabled a major Scottish food distributor to treble the office space within an existing warehouse facility with zero impact on storage capacity by designing and installing a mezzanine floor office.

Thistle Systems


increase in combined office space

Thistle Systems


new management offices created

Thistle Systems


impact on storage capacity

Mezzanine Floor

Thistle Systems had previously enabled the client to maximise the capacity in their warehouse with their Max the Cube approach, however further growth in the business meant that additional office space was required. The client was looking to create a reception area to make the workspace more attractive to visiting clients as well as increase the size of their current open plan office and add additional management offices.
With available height above the existing office, Thistle Systems designed a mezzanine floor which extended the current footprint by approximately 1 metre and achieved the space required without having to impact on the existing racking.

The solution increased the combined floor space of the offices by 203% and in the process, increased the size of the existing open plan office, created 2 new management offices and a reception area.
The mezzanine floor was designed to meet the latest building regulations with fire protection to the structures, steel columns and staircase.
Thistle took great care in ensuring minimum disruption to the busy warehouse and the existing office environment by incorporating key design features and developing a suitable project delivery plan.

Find out more about the types of mezzanine floors or contact us now to discuss your requirements. Click here to find out more about mezzanine costs

Mezzanine Floor Office Specialists | Mezzanine Floor Offices | Mezzanine Floor Office Design

Management Office
Staircase to mezzanine floor office

What we did

  • Combined floor space of offices increased by 203% without impacting existing rackingCombined floor space of offices increased by 203% without impacting existing racking
  • Increased size of existing office as well created 2 new management offices and reception areaIncreased size of existing office as well created 2 new management offices and reception area
  • Latest building regulations met with fire protection to structures, steel columns and staircase Latest building regulations met with fire protection to structures, steel columns and staircase
  • Minimum distruption to warehouse and existing officeMinimum distruption to warehouse and existing office

Solutions Used

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