Push Back Racking for Cold Store

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Thistle Systems has enabled one of the UK’s leading meat producers to transform the effectiveness of their cold storage facility by delivering a push back racking solutions which provided 312 pallet positions in 307 square metres of floor space.

Thistle Systems


Additional pallet positions delivered

Thistle Systems


Reduction in external storage requirements

Thistle Systems


Pallet positions delivered in 2 cold store areas

Push Back Racking - Cold Store

The client was looking to Max the Cube in their new cold storage facility so that they could bring their external storage requirements in house and reduce their monthly spend per pallet stored.

They had originally been looking at drive in racking. However, after discussing the issues of space utilisation, as well as the likelihood of racking damage and the impact that repairs would have on the available space and floor, Thistle Systems’ Maxi Cube Push Back Racking proved to be the most effective solution.

Click here to read the full case study


What we did

  • 312 pallet positions in 2 cold store areas312 pallet positions in 2 cold store areas
  • Additional 165 pallets positions for dry goods in 80 sq mAdditional 165 pallets positions for dry goods in 80 sq m
  • Combination of 5 deep, 3 deep and 2 deep push back rackingCombination of 5 deep, 3 deep and 2 deep push back racking
  • Reduced external storage requirements by 100%Reduced external storage requirements by 100%
  • Delivered excellent Return on InvestmentDelivered excellent Return on Investment

Solutions Used

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