
Mobile Pallet Racking Explained

Mobile Pallet Racking

Mobile Pallet Racking (MOVO) has the ability to deliver a high density storage capacity whilst providing 100% picking access to every pallet position, making it a firm favourite for companies looking to maximise space utilisation, particularly in areas such as cold stores.

The system uses conventional pallet racking which is located onto mobile bases on a track system which can slide laterally via remote control to open and close aisles to provide access to the required pallet position.

This provides clients with a fantastic method of maximising storage capacity within the cubic space of their warehouse.

How Much Additional Capacity Can Mobile Pallet Racking Provide?

The additional storage capacity will depend on a number of factors including warehouse design and the accessibility required to stock, however, you can see a quick comparison between pallet racking and mobile racking systems and the number of pallets stored within a given area in the video below.

In this example, standard pallet racking enabled 768 pallets to be stored, whereas mobile racking was able to achieve 1728 in the same floor space delivering a 125% increase in capacity.

The ability to maximise capacity in the available space will be dependent on a number of factors including the available height and the number of bays of racking which can be accommodated in one block.

Our Maxi Cube Mobile Pallet Racking has been designed to feature slimline bases to ensure every millimetre of height can be maximised.

Our solution also enables us to deliver even longer runs of mobile racking thanks to our unbeatable tolerances of +/- 30mm across an entire run.

How Quickly Can I Access An Aisle in Mobile Pallet Racking?

One of the key factors in determining the feasibility of mobile racking for your warehouse project is the velocity of stock, the number of forklifts and the accessibility required.

The very nature of mobile pallet racking means that aisles are open and closed as and when the forklift needs access to a particular pallet position.

The actual speed of the mobile pallet racking system will vary from manufacturer and should be taken into consideration, however, one of the biggest attractions to our solution is its ability to open any aisle to access any pallet position in as little as 45 seconds – all controlled from a hand-held unit located on the forklift.

This speed of accessibility is a game changer, enabling forklifts to load and unload pallets from the racking system without having to stop and wait on the next aisle to open.

The 45 second period is designed to meet the average travel time for the forklift to extract the pallet from mobile racking system and deliver it to the desired position, for example, in the wagon or the despatch area, and then return to the next location in the system.

How Safe is Mobile Pallet Racking?

Safety is paramount in every warehouse and our Maxi Cube Mobile Pallet Racking is designed to meet the highest safety standards in the industry featuring 3 safety beams at different heights in each aisle. Our triple level safety technology provides even more information on the activity and therefore potential issues in each aisle.

How Much Does Mobile Pallet Racking Cost?

The flexibility of mobile pallet racking means the cost of the system will vary depending on a number of key factors such as the number of bays, the length of each bay and the height of the racking system.

As you would expect from a system which is automated and has inbuilt safety systems, the cost of Mobile Pallet Racking is inevitably higher than the standard pallet racking solution, however the enormous benefits it can offer in terms of increased capacity and reduced operational costs can significantly outweigh the initial capital costs.

Click here to find out more about our Maxi Cube Mobile Pallet Racking System or contact us now to discuss your requirements.

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