
Warehouse Racking Costs – 7 Hidden Costs

Warehouse Racking Costs

When was the last time you evaluated your true Warehouse Racking Costs? What factors did you take into consideration?

Thistle Systems has compiled data from over 3000 installations and projects over the last 10 years in an attempt to identify how people measure their racking systems and what they believed were the costs involved in the project.

As you may expect, most companies focused on the initial upfront costs of the installation with some breaking down the total project cost to determine the cost per pallet.

Whilst this provided a degree of measurement when comparing initial quotation, the simple equation only examines a fraction of the overall financial impact your racking system will have on your bottom line.

The pressure to reduce costs at all level of business has never been greater and through our extensive research we have identified 7 hidden costs within your warehouse racking system that, if addressed, could transform your company’s performance and provide you with a real competitive advantage.

Click here to download the report now and discover:

  • The costs involved by not optimising the space
  • Why you may waste money on building a new storage facility
  • The hidden cost of double and treble handling goods
  • Why most companies underestimate forklift travel times
  • Why certain racking solutions cost more to maintain

Alternatively contact our team to request your copy on 01236 453888 or to discuss any concerns you may have about warehouse racking costs.

Thistle Systems specialise in helping companies across the UK and Ireland to reduce their true warehouse racking costs thanks to their Max the Cube approach which enables companies to maximise capacity, improve efficiency and dramatically reduce operational costs.

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