
Shuttle Racking Cost Benefits – Costs Reduced for Loading Times

Shuttle Storage System

Most people tend to focus on the increased capacity when they discuss shuttle racking benefits as opposed to the incredible cost savings the solution can deliver.

It’s understandable really, as shuttle racking can deliver a dramatic increase in storage capacity which is often the main driver of the project, however, when clients see the additional cost saving benefits the solution can deliver, it can often move from an attractive proposition to a no-brainer.

One of the biggest cost savings the shuttle racking solution can bring is the reduced requirement for forklift trucks whilst being able to load and unload wagons significantly quicker.

By having larger blocks of racking and an shuttle which automatically retrieves pallets from the system, companies can dramatically reduce the loading times of wagons – sometimes loading a full wagon with mixed product types in 20 minutes or less.

That’s the time we were able to show one of our clients could achieve when they asked us if we could help them to Max their Cube both in terms of capacity and efficiencies.

And when you consider their current average load time was 60 minutes, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the potential savings that the proposed system could offer.

Add in the fact, the shuttle racking design we presented ALSO delivered a 46% increase in storage capacity, and you could see how it moved from an attractive proposition to a ‘no-brainer’.

With a limited number of despatch areas and a rapidly growing business, the client was looking at how they could dramatically reduce the loading times and increase the existing storage capacity.

Thistle used their Max the Cube philosophy to propose a combination of radio shuttle racking and pallet live system to transform the warehouse operations.

The radio shuttle would deliver an unparalleled level of capacity and the pallet live system provides a dedicated loading lane per wagon which can be pre-picked in advance.

Thistle Systems’ Managing Director, Mike Cairns explained, “Many companies try to solve a multitude of issues with one type of racking system, which can be unrealistic. By splitting these two key processes and using two different racking solutions we can deliver the right solution which enhances capacity, reduces travel times and therefore reduces loading times.

Click here for more information on our radio shuttle racking and pallet live system

Contact us now to find out how we can help reduce your wagon loading time

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