
Mobile racking installation in large warehouse in Scotland.

Max the Cube Storage Solutions

Max the Cube is NOT for the Average Company If there is one thing we have learned from the last few years, it’s the fact that simply being average is effectively guaranteeing failure. The seismic shift in the way people now have access to a world of information prior to buying products and services means … Continued

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Narrow Aisle Racking at Asco

How Did We Create Max The Cube?

As part of the initial process for developing Max the CubeTM, we carried out extensive research to understand the challenges being faced by the key sectors in our economy. We found that companies were not maximising the capacity or the utilisation of their warehouse. This meant they were facing unnecessary costs such as external storage, … Continued

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ISO 9001

Thistle Systems Gain ISO 9001 Certification

Thistle Systems has seen its Max the Cube approach successfully achieve certification to the recently updated and internationally recognised ISO 9001:2015 quality standard. This certification demonstrates that the unique approach is more than simply a powerful concept, but is supported by a high quality management system which covers the design and project management of storage systems … Continued

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narrow aisle racking

Using the 5S Methodology in Warehouse and Storage

Thistle Systems’ Max the Cube approach has been recognised as the perfect vehicle for companies looking to implement the 5S methodology within their warehouse storage and production facilities. Check out our ultra high density storage solutions – ideal for small components The Max the Cube approach draws upon the key philosophies promoted by the 5S … Continued

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Max the Cube

How Max the Cube Transformed Our Business?

Despite being in business for 20 years, its only in the last 4 where we have truly been able to tell people what it is that we can actually do for their business in a manner they can instantly relate to. This came when we developed our Max the Cube approach which effectively harnessed the … Continued

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New Versus Used Racking – Key Areas to Consider

As more companies look for ways in which they can make savings, Thistle Systems Group, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of racking has urged all companies to think carefully about the potential dangers of purchasing and installing used racking systems. With offers of amazing savings from online retailers and auction sites such as ebay … Continued

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Dangerous Racking

8 Tell Tale Signs of Dangerous Racking

Dangerous Racking is a key issue in any warehouse as it may present a major health and safety risk. No matter how much action you take to protect  damage to your racking system or how much training you provide your forklift drivers, you cannot account for wear and tear or of course human error. The truth … Continued

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narrow aisle racking

Cost of Unsafe Racking

It’s all too easy to put off carrying out racking inspections or indeed the costs of rectifying problem – however the true cost of racking which is unsafe could be far greater. Clearly the cost of replacing an upright or a section of racking is a fraction of the cost of replacing the entire racking system, however … Continued

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Racking Collapse in Warehouse

7 Tips to Make Your Racking Safe

There is incredible video footage shows the devastating impact poorly constructed racking can have on a warehouse. The most worrying aspect is how little contact there is between the forklift and the horizontal beam which causes virtually all of the racking to collapse. It’s almost impossible to determine the real cause of the problem from … Continued

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Pallet Radio Shuttle System Scotland

The Benefits of Rack Protection – If Only You Had Known

We are always discussing the benefits of rack protection with our clients and how they can save money in the long run by a comparatively small investment. Last week I visited a new client who was looking for assistance with some rack repair work after a forklift truck had crashed into his racking system. The … Continued

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